Typically when we think of a breath mint, we think the minty cool bits found in nice little containers. Popping one in your mouth and you're instantly rewarded with a brisk sensation of freshness that can take the edge off of a less than desirable breath. They taste good and they work great... for a little while. Eventually you end up eating another and another and another.
Body Mint offers a different approach to bad breath treatment. It's still a pill, and it's still relatively small, but that is where the similarities end. Body Mint isn't pleasant tasting nor does it give a burst of minty freshness. In fact, you don't even suck it. Rather it's a dietary supplement that you take similar to a vitamin.
Whereas breath mints work on the surface, Body Mint works internally. Much of our bad breath odors come from stuff going on inside our bodies. Whether it be from foods that we eat or just our bodies chemistry, there are odor compounds that are responsible for that smelly breath. These compounds start from inside of us and make its way to the surface through openings such as the mouth.
Body Mint works to neutralize these odors by absorbing them in the body thus nullifying them before they can get out. The secret to Body Mint's ability to do this is its specialized chlorophyllin formula. The reciepe is proprietary information, and has been perfected over a three year period. Because it is a chlorophyll supplement, it contains no harsh chemcials and is made from natural ingredients.
The magic doesn't stop there. Because it absorbs all odor internally, that means it is also effective for body odor. That's right; it's also a deodorant. Imagine, a breath mint and deodorant all in one little tablet.