While it might not be a subject that comes up in everyday conversation, taking care of those lady parts is something all women think about. Finding a good, reliable Feminine Hygiene product can be daunting; especially if you're in the mood for something all natural.
We've put together a list of our top 5 products that we feel are not only effective and reliable, but also natural.
Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Wash - This spray wash is made using only organic ingredients that are certified by the Organic Food Chain. A simple spritz and wipe will have you feeling fresh and smelling great for several hours thereafter.
Body Mint Lady - A favorite of ours for a number of reasons. First and foremost the Body Mint line of products use a chlorophyllin formulation and do not have any harsh chemicals or artificial ingredients. This internal deodorant is a spin off of their original version. It differs in that Lady is formulated for women and designed to target feminine odor specifically. Oh, and it also has the added benefits of vitamin D and calcium.
Waterworks Natural Cleansing and Odor Elimination Kit - This FDA cleared cleaning kit is a revolutionary douching alternative. It uses a natural and gentle solution to cleanse the inside of a woman without distrupting her pH balance. Developed over a 6 year period, Waterworks is lightweight and resusable.
Fresh Petals Feminine Odor Spray - Using a proprietary blend of organic sea plant extracts and ionized water, Fresh Petals contains no fillers, dyes, perfumes or allergens. It works by keeping a woman's pH balance normal and thus keeps bacterial growth under control. It does not have a scent, but rather works to restore a woman's natural scent. Results are immediate and using the product is simple and easy.
Pure Touch Feminine Wipes - This gentle wipe is made with natural ingredients and fortified with aloe vera, vitamins E, C & A. It contains no parabens or harsh chemicals and works wonderfully after 'activities' or during the menstrual cycle. Easy to use, Pure Touch is formulated for a woman's body and can be used during any time of the day.
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